The Girls und Panzer universe returns to World of Tanks, bringing reinforcements! The legendary Team-Ankou from the Oarai Girls’ High School is joined by two more crews from other schools where the art of Sensha-dō is respected: Jatkosota High School and Kuromorimine Girls’ High School. And in addition to the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H Ankou, you can obtain two more vehicles inspired by Girls und Panzer: the BT-42 Jatkosota HS and the Tiger II Kuromorimine!
Available from May 16 at 14:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Let the Crews Speak
Girls und Panzer heroines enjoy Sensha-dō and will react to everything that happens around. Custom voiceovers by the original actresses are provided for all characters you can listen to in the widget below. If one or more of the girls are missing from a fully voiced team, the commander will be the only crew member reporting to you.
Install the official Girls und Panzer Subtitles Mod and get English subtitles for the Japanese voiceovers, accompanied by miniature portraits of the girls.
Play track
Miho Nishizumi
A skilled Commander, Miho saved Oarai Girls’ High School from closure by winning the national Sensha-dō tournament.
Cheerful and chatty, this self-proclaimed expert in the art of romance passed a Radio Operator exam in her spare time.
Having previously practiced Japanese flower arrangement, Hana now draws on the focus she learned through the art as a Gunner.
Play track
Yukari Akiyama
Obsessed with tanks since her childhood, Yukari is good at infiltrating other schools to learn about their teams’ strategy.
Despite sometimes missing classes, Mako is a top student who became a great Driver just by skimming through the manual.
The mysterious Commander of Jatkosota’s Sensha-dō team, she is very fond of her trademark tulip hat and kantele.
Despite her small size—and Mika’s cryptic instructions—Aki is a highly motivated crew member.
An outstanding Driver, Mikko’s skills are essential to Jatkosota High School’s unorthodox strategies.
Kuromorimine’s new Commander after Maho left for Germany, Erika is stern and prideful—but she cares deeply for her team.
Play track
Akaboshi Koume
Typically in command of the Panther Ausf.G., Koume supports Erika with her considerable experience in Sensha-dō matches.
Emi commands Kuromorimine’s Jagdpanther—just don’t make her change its excessively heavy tracks.
Known as the Maus Commander, a bitter defeat made Emma see the importance of maneuverability, rather than just sheer power.
An all-rounder who is capable of crewing multiple vehicles, as well as a pro wrestling enthusiast.
Choose Your Team Leader
Join forces with the Sensha-dō team leader you like the most. Proclaim your support for her, complete missions, and recruit your favorite heroine to command one of your vehicles!
Obtain Girls und Panzer Tanks
This time, there are more tanks with Girls und Panzer looks! The famous Pz.Kpfw IV Ausf. H Ankou of the Team-Ankou is joined by the BT-42 Jatkosota HS of the Jatkosota High School Team and the Tiger II Kuromorimine of the Kuromorimine Girls’ High School Team. If defeated, every one of these vehicles will display a white flag—this truly is Sensha-dō!
VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H Ankou
Average Damage per Minute
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
VBT-42 Jatkosota HS
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
VIITiger II Kuromorimine
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H Ankou
BT-42 Jatkosota HS
Tiger II Kuromorimine
Fly Your Favorite Colors
Choose among an extended set of customization items inspired by the Girls und Panzer universe. It includes school and heroine-themed decals, team and school emblems, plus more!
Get the „Oarai” Adjustable Style
This unique adjustable style fits any vehicle and allows you to customize multiple details, leading to hundreds of possible combinations of paints, emblems, and inscriptions!
Panzer Vor!
Procure the „Jatkosota HS” and „Kuromorimine” 2D Styles
Give your favorite vehicles special treatment with 2D styles inspired by other girls’ schools where Sensha-dō is practiced: Jatkosota High School and Kuromorimine Girls’ High School!
Panzer vor!
Available from May 16 at 14:00 CEST (UTC+2)
© GIRLS und PANZER Finale Projekt