Incoming Transmission

      How it Works

  1. Choose one of four teams led by Spock, Kirk, Uhura, and Scotty, before 13.05.2024 05:30 UTC, and receive the „Klingon Valor” Medal
  2. The teams compete in the amount of antimatter collected. Fragments delivered by players in the „Call to the Final Frontier” event add up to their team’s score on the page
  3. You can see the teams’ current progress after choosing one of them
  4. At the end of the „Call to the Final Frontier” event, the participants receive rewards that depend on their team’s position

places rewards


Missions for ×2 XP when victorious



Missions for ×1.5 XP when victorious


Until May 25 at 09:00 UTC

      The Teams’ Scores

Follow the scores of the teams.

Joining a team also opens access to the „Incoming Transmission” daily free offer in the in-game Store. Claim it up to 5 times to access a chain of battle missions. To get the final reward, you need to complete the mission chain 5 times. Progress is tracked by collecting a visible token in the end of each battle mission chain. Incoming Transmission” is a daily free offer available in the in-game Store from May 2 at 09:00 UTC through May 13 at 05:30 UTC. Claim it up to 5 times to receive a chain of special battle missions, and complete it to decrypt the transmission and receive rewards.

2D Style: „Kahless the Unforgettable”


Projection Decals: „Daqtagh Knife”


Projection Decals: „Starbase”


Projection Decals: „Take Off”


Projection Decal: „Earth’s Ambassador”


Projection Decal: „Mars Rover”




Automatic Fire Extinguishers


Directives: Focus on Target


Directives: Experienced Firefighters

      Orion Lockboxes

Some precious items ended up in the hands of Orion merchants who sell them in lockboxes. The possible loot includes ten armored vehicles from Earth’s past. Two of them were previously unknown: the AAT60 and the Nemesis.


Montgomery Scott

Players can select the nation and qualification.

Hikaru Sulu

Players can select the nation and qualification.

Dr. Leonard McCoy

Players can select the nation and qualification.


Tier VIII American Premium medium tank.


Tier VIII British Premium medium tank.

Customization Elements

Various customization elements: 2D styles, decals and inscriptions.

Experimental Equipment

Experimental Equipment combines two or more characteristics of the other types of equipment in the game. This equipment cannot be purchased or sold, but it can be disassembled for free. In return, you will receive components that can be used to upgrade or demount it.

Personal Reserves

Upon activation, these allow you to receive additional bonuses after each battle.

WoT Premium Account

Provides access to many additional benefits in the game.

Premium Tanks

A Tier VIII Premium tank.

Get Orion Lockboxes


Press the button to join Team Uhura and receive the „Klingon Valor” Medal. Once selected, you cannot change your team.

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