Battle Journey 2023


Total battles played

Battles were victorious

Most played Nation

Based on most played tanks of a specific nation

Top 3 battles

The fastest win

The enemies clearly did not expect defeat in so few seconds

Maximum wins in a row

Wow! How you did that?!

Battle style

Type tank

Amount of battles


Medals earned

Your Lucky Map

Is where the light shines down on you.

Most played researchable tanks

You’r most favorite battle machines!

Most played premium tank

Average XP

That’s an average of your random battles!


Hits you made

Vehicles you spoted

How you did that we don’t know but its a good job!

Most destroyed vehicles

Total amount of kills

If we will need to kill someone, we will call you!

Fire kills

Enemy tanks were lit on fire and killed by you

Ramming kills

Enemies tanks were destroyed by ramming thanks to you.

My nemesis

Best Battles By Types

Total distance covered

We will call you a “lumberjack”

This film has been complied from authentic newsreel, official World of tanks, and captured film. Use has been made of certain motion pictures with historical background.

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